Adult Programs

Adult Study

The Language of God
A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief

by Dr. Francis S. Collins

Sunday mornings at 8:45
September 15 through November 3

Frank Leathers will lead the class in reading and discussing “The Language of God – A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief” by Dr. Francis S. Collins. As a physician, research biologist, and director of the international Human Genome Project, Collins believes strongly that faith in God and faith in science can coexist harmoniously, and in fact complement each other. In the unfathomable immensity of the universe and in the tiniest of tiny subatomic particles, Collins sees the undeniable handiwork of God. Collins also leads us into an examination of the difficult questions and challenges that arise as science continues to reveal “the language of God”. How do we use our developing understanding and knowledge of God’s language, of God’s code of life, for good and not for evil?
Along the way in this series, we will consider a scientist’s way of reading the biblical story of
creation. And we will be consider how writers of the faith and scientists, from the Old Testament
through modern times, have found wonder and beauty at the intersection of faith and science.

Books will be available on Sunday, September 8 outside the Crawford Room. We will start with the
Introduction and Chapter 1 on Sunday Sept 15 at 8:45 a.m.  If you have any questions, you can contact Frank directly or let us know in the church office.

Small Groups

Crawford has several active small groups that meet weekly for conversation and devotion.  All are welcome!  If you are interested in a group (or groups!) please contact the church office at or 781-729-5056 for more details.

Women’s Prayer Group

Wednesdays at 7:00 am in the parlor. Please join us for prayer and devotions using the Upper Room. (Copies available at the church)

Men’s Group

Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m., various locations.  Please join us for prayer, devotions, and coffee.

Thursday Morning Small Group

Start your Thursdays with a cup of coffee with friends over Zoom at 8:00 am!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 7549 1525​, Passcode: 1PsfYF