Many people associate the word “saints” with special people and martyrs formally canonized by the Church; but that practice didn’t begin until the 10th century. In the Bible and during the first thousand years of the Church, all believers were referred to as “saints.” Protestant churches have kept that tradition, and culture has blended the two to refer to anyone who has made great sacrifices or has otherwise shown great love and perseverance.

November 1 is the day on the Church calendar that we celebrate all the saints, whether they have been formally recognized or not. It is often a time when churches remember those from their congregations who have died and when we are encouraged to remember those who helped to shape our faith, both individually and collectively.

At the Blessing of the Saints outdoor service on Sunday we will be doing all of that; and we also will be recognizing one or more special saints in our own lives by dedicating our 2021 pledge to Crawford in their honor. During that special moment on Sunday, the church doors will be open and we will return our pledges to the altar in the sanctuary. More details below.

Come join us Sunday at 10:00 am for this special service of honor and remembrance, and take your place in a new generation of Crawford saints.

