Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

Like with salt, Jesus tells those who came to hear him on the mountainside that they are the light of the world. Did he just bookend the creation story in Genesis 1 by creating light at the beginning and at the end? Hang on to your photons, and read or watch to learn more.

 Pastor Anne

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A Covenant of Salt

A Covenant of Salt

Jesus told those assembled on a hillside that they were the salt of the earth but warned that salt could lose its flavor. Is it really about taste? To find the answer we need to look to the beginnings of civilization and then to God’s Covenant of Salt in the book of Numbers. Click one of the buttons below to watch or read more; and stay salty

 Pastor Anne

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Prayer Service of Solidarity

Prayer Service of Solidarity

The New England Conference of the United Methodist Church has planned an online prayer service for those looking for ways to show solidarity with our immigrant neighbors during this harrowing time.  The service will be held on Thursday, January 30 at 7:00pm via Zoom. We will “pray for our immigrant neighbors, who are particularly vulnerable at this time. Following the prayer service we will share information on the current policy changes initiated by the Trump Administration and how they impact our neighbors and our ministry.” Leaders will also offer some best practices for how to be in ministry with those who are vulnerable, and take questions.

If you’d like to take part, see more details and register on the NEUMC website, HERE:

UMCOR Responds to Fires in LA

UMCOR Responds to Fires in LA

In this email, sent on Monday, January 13, 2025, Pastor David Arruda, Disaster Response Coordinator for the New England Annual Conference, shares a bit about emergency response efforts underway to help those displaced or otherwise affected by the wildfires in CA.

“In partnership with Methodist churches, UMCOR set up relief centers that provided evacuees shelter, food, and essential supplies. Volunteers, guided by compassion and solidarity, offered material aid, an empathetic ear, and comforting support to those burdened by loss…Congregations worked tirelessly to deliver donated items, prepare meals, and offer their buildings as temporary shelters, exemplifying the true spirit of Christian compassion.”

Read the full email HERE.

He also says, “for those of you who feel moved to support these vital efforts, donations to UMCOR’s U.S. Disaster Response and Recovery fund directly aid such ongoing projects. DONATE HERE..



On Being Good

On Being Good

One of the more perplexing lines in the Gospels is when a man comes to Jesus with a question and begins by addressing Jesus as, “Good Teacher.” Jesus’ first response is not to answer the man’s question, but to ask the man why he had addressed him as “good,” when only God is good.  What’s going on there?

 Pastor Anne

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