Children and Youth
Childcare is available in our growing nursery – downstairs – for children under the age of 5. All of our childcare providers and anyone who works with children have to complete a background check and we adhere to the safe sanctuaries policies and procedures set forth by the New England Conference.
Sunday school for children age 5 and up is being re-imagined at this time. In the meanwhile, children of all ages are welcome to join us for worship, and encouraged to take part in the service as they are able. There are activity kits available each week on the table just inside the double doors leading into the sanctuary from the lobby outside of Gifford Hall. And teens are welcome to help in several ways:
- Teens with an interest in and/or aptitude for technology are invited to speak with our Technical Production Manager, Madeleine Derveloy, about helping out our tech team.
- Teens who enjoy working or playing with younger children may like to become Junior Child Care providers, and help out in our nursery. See our Nursery Manager, Cindy Slack, on Sunday morning if you’re interested.
- Strong readers of any age are invited to sign-up to serve as liturgist on a Sunday of their choosing. Visit our liturgist sign-up, HERE, to pick a Sunday, and if you have any questions, speak with Pastor Anne.
- Bell Choir is another place high school students and above may get involved. To learn more, speak with our Bell Choir director, Virgina (Ginny) Schiappa.