Back when I thought we would be in the building by now, I had a bunch of different plans for this week. God laughed at my plans, and so now our anniversary is being spread out across a number of Sundays and in a variety of forms, from retired pastors returning to preach, to our October 31 service in Wildwood Cemetery, to a celebration dinner that will happen before the end of the year where we can formally recognize our 50-year members and more.

This Sunday, we will recognize our 150th anniversary in worship by considering how God may be calling us to take the sacred parts of Crawford’s past into a future that is still unfolding. We will hear from three Crawford members about their own sense of call to their work. We’ll hear from the choir. Toward the end of the service there will be an opportunity to go into the sanctuary for a time of prayer and discernment, and at coffee hour we’ll have a fabulous anniversary cake with ice cream sundaes.


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