We are looking for additional talent for our team to support recent growth.
Childcare Providers
Our nursery provides childcare for children under the age of 5, during worship services and occasionally, meetings or other church-run events. On a typical Sunday morning, our childcare workers are on duty from 9:30 a.m. to about 11:30 p.m. That includes arriving 30 minutes before worship begins to welcome the children, caring for them until worship concludes, and a half-hour to tidy the nursery after they children have been picked up. Childcare is also offered during some evening and/or non-Sunday services (such as Ash Wednesday and Christmas Eve). Everyone who works with children at Crawford must adhere to the safe sanctuaries policies and procedures set forth by the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and enjoy working with children. They will need to complete a Massachusetts CORI form, as well as a federal Homeland Security Form I-9. For a more detailed job description including compensation, click here. How to apply: To express interest in or apply for either of these positions, please email us here, or call 781-729-5056.