~ A Conversation with Pisha Chen ~

Having come through the “safer-at-home” directives this spring and coming to the summer, it gives many of us an opportunity of solitude and introspection.

Having time on my hands, I pray, meditate and contemplate, and interestingly, it often leads me to memories. During the process, I also learn to appreciate what Somerset Maugham describes, “What makes old age hard to bear is not the failing of one’s faculties, mental and physical, but the burden of one’s memories.”

I think about my father. As a young man who lost his country and home to Chinese Communists, my father came to Taiwan by himself. In retrospect, I am amazed and intrigued by his gracious attitude, persistent and enduring, even after wars, loss, poverty and separation.

I came to States when I was 24. I was blessed to come with James and keep in touch with my family in Taiwan. With letters and phone calls, I was able to consult my father and sometimes, have him reinstate my confidence when I needed it the most.

After my father passed in 2009, I continue to connect with him through memories and imagination. Whenever I need to make an important decision, I pray and then I imagine what my father would do in such a situation.

Therefore, I believe that if we remain faithful, no matter what the world might throw at us, no matter what our own brokenness might uncover, no matter how far we may feel from our love ones and from God, as the body of Christ, nothing Shall Separate Us!