The Crawford Re-Gathering and Re-Opening Work Group continues to develop ideas and plans for safely offering opportunities to re-gather as a Crawford community. The results of our recent survey (thanks to all who responded) confirm that all of us need and want to safely regain forms of direct human connection. About half of our family and friends are age 65 and over, i.e., in a COVID higher risk age group. The survey also confirms that many people are open to new and creative way to re-gather and stay connected, such as small groups, outdoor services at various locations, and continuation of remote access. With these considerations in mind, and with initial input from both Pastor Hope and Pastor Anne and from church staff, we believe that we could begin re-gathering with outdoor Sunday services in August – date still to be determined. We would require everyone wear masks, respect social distancing and follow other COVID protocols. We also are looking into ways to livestream the services for those who cannot or choose not to join in person. The services would not be a replication of our normal indoor services, but would reflect the gifts of being more connected to nature, explore alternatives for individually and collectively building and sharing our faith, and strengthening our bonds of supporting each other. In addition to worship service, we are looking at other ways to re-gather including small groups. There are still lots of details to be worked out, and we continue to solicit your input – contact any of the work group members listed below. We’ll provide updates as our plans develop further. May God’s blessings, grace and peace be with you as we all work through this together.
Members of the Work Group are Pam Reeve, Frank Leathers, Joyce Cummings, Brian Rogers, Laura Myers, Peter Hobson, Paula Riley, Colin Simson, Judy Stafford, Tammy MacLean, Jim Clayton, Sherry Miller, Pastor Hope and Pastor Anne.