Get Involved

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10

As you get to know Crawford, you will find both a variety of opportunities for our members and friends to connect with one another in meaningful ways, and opportunities to serve God in the community.

Food Pantry Needs

Crawford’s Micro Pantry is seeing increased demand for healthy on-the-go type snacks… cereal bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, and boxes of crackers with snack packs.  Canned fruit & fruit juice, as well as canned meats like SPAM are also very popular. Please bring in your donations to church on Sunday, and leave them in the big yellow box outside of Gifford Hall.

Pantry Needs

Dwelling Place

Sign up here to help prepare a nutritious meal for guests of the Dwelling Place, a free dinner program founded in 1987 and run out of the United Methodist Church in Woburn at 523 Main Street. Crawford prepares and serves dinner on the 4th Monday of every month, and all are welcome to help out.

Dwelling Place

Communion Servers

Now that we’re once again offering communion from a common cup (though individual, pre-filled communion cups are still available), and we are offering both regular and gluten free bread options, we need volunteers to help serve communion on the first Sunday of each month.

Communion Servers


We need readers for our Sunday morning services. You’ll receive the reading in advance, giving you time to practice. If you have questions about what’s involved, contact Pastor Anne or our Lay Leader, Laura Myers. Sign up to be a liturgist here.


Coffee Hour

Each week Coffee Hour is served by a team organized alphabetically by last name. Everyone is encouraged to join our Coffee Hour teams. Click on the button below to see what our Coffee Hour teams do, and to see the full Coffee Hour schedule. (Upcoming dates are published each week in the Messenger and the bulletin.)

Coffee Hour