~ A Conversation with Sue Powers ~
This has been a very stressful year for many of us. We moved into a new condo in February. Three days later there was a fire and we lost everything. We had nowhere to live and no clothes, etc. Friends and family came to our aid and asked how we were coping so well. I realized that no one was hurt and we could replace most of the items. Some of the items had come from my father’s home – family pictures and history. These items were hard to lose. We had much to be thankful for. I also had faith that God would help us find a way to move forward. We were able to purchase the last condo available in the area. Four weeks after the fire, Covid 19 hit. I am a nurse and work closely with staff that cared for patients with Covid 19. Many were deployed to work in areas they had not worked in before – ICU and Emergency room. They had to care for patients at the end of their life who were not able to have family with them. A nurse who is older said she should not have been there because of her age but she is a nurse and was called to help others in need. When I listened to caregivers talk I heard how isolated the staff were. Many could not go home as they did not want to infect their family. They stayed in hotels. They were also able to be in their yards and enjoy their peaceful surroundings during the spring months. Nature and faith in God are wonderful ways to help healing. “God will meet all of your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19
Most days I talk a walk. I have a route that takes me around a beautiful pond. I hear the birds singing, the wind rustling the leaves in the trees and whispering in the pine trees. I see the frogs, an eagle, and families of ducks and swans. These are all very peaceful signs that God is sending us. As my walk ends I come across a steam of water peacefully running down over rocks and plants. I see a Blue Heron peacefully standing as the water comes down by him over the rocks. Let us believe in the grace and power of God. Let us have faith in Gods power to heal us and be with us.