Pastor Anne’s April 18 sermon, loosely, addresses the apparent paradox of evil existing in an existence governed by a God who is Love. I have wrestled with this myself for my entire life, as I am sure many before and many after me shall.
I am left with the reality that I cannot control, or really begin to prevent, evil and suffering in the world. All I have and can control is my reasoned response to evil and suffering. I think of the work that God has given us to do, day by day.
In the 8th movement of Kyle Smith’s masterpiece, The Arc in the Sky, the narrator encounters a group of fishermen:
I would stand and watch them
as they sat at their work.
“what are you doing?” i’d say.
“we’re mending our nets,” they’d say.
“yes. mending our nets.”
“why must you mend them?”
“they’re torn. they’ve been broken into.
the night-fish have leapt through them
in the sea. every night they break them;
and every day, we mend.”
The night of suffering will continue to fall. Every day, we mend.
This week’s Musical Meditation was performed by The Crossing under the direction of Donald Nally.
– Logan Henke, Music Minister