Please join us for our annual Blessing of the Animals, outdoors, under the tent in front of our church at 34 Dix Street, Winchester, MA, on Sunday, October 6, at 10am. We will celebrate communion*, have animal-themed music and have individual blessings for every pet who comes. We will give thanks for our animal companions, honor animals that serve in public safety and wellness, and celebrate those who have taken on the difficult work of animal rescue, shelter, and care. All are welcome (people and animals), so please join us and bring your critters, big or small. “If you can control it, you can bring it.” (Along those lines, please read these tips for keeping the peace among our blessed pets at the service.)

*In the Methodist Church, we practice an open table. You do not have to be a member of this church or any church to join us in Holy Communion. Where Christ is the host, all are welcome.