In addition to the weekly Adult Study with Laura Myers, Crawford will offer an “At Home” personal Advent Devotion.
Using the book Low: An Honest Advent Devotional by John Pavlovitz. Participants will be partnered and encouraged to text, talk, email, or meet daily with their partners to discuss the simple, poignant, and practical day’s reading. Partners can be randomly chosen for you or you may join the Devotion with a friend.
Although you can join with a partner or even choose to participate alone, I encourage you to consider sharing the days of Advent with someone you may not know well or at all. I have done similar Devotions and although it was a little scary to be vulnerable with a woman I didn’t know well, I can tell you that I certainly knew her and myself better by the end of Advent! I found it both an enriching and joyful experience.
Participants will be offered discussion topics and questions to facilitate their devotion. We are hoping for new connections, new ideas, and new ways to connect with ourselves, others, and our God as we wait in joyful hope for our dear Savior’s birth.
Books are available for $5.99, HERE, on Amazon. If you are unable to purchase the book on your own — either from Amazon or your local independent book seller — let Stacey know in the church office ( or 781-729-5056) and she will order one for you (in which case, we hope you will consider making a donation to cover the cost of the book and/or shipping).
If you plan to participate or have questions, please contact me via talk or text at 617-947-3161 or grab me at church so I can pair you up with a discussion partner!  Please join in…it won’t be the same without you!”
– Bernadette