The theme of Earth Day,  April 22, 2024, is Planet vs. Plastics.  It seems like a good time, with warmer weather approaching, to remind people to carry reusable containers for water.  If you need to purchase water bottled in plastic, please don’t leave them in a warm place and of course, recycle the used plastic.  I am very grateful that I can still bend down and pick up discarded plastic, but I would be much happier if I didn’t have to.  There are still a lot of discards on the ground. This is Winchester and a river runs through it and that river reaches the ocean eventually.

Now that Earth Day is upon us, maybe we can renew our efforts to recycle, try to use less plastic, walk more and pick up more.  My mother used to say that “every day was mother’s day,” true and it is also true, that every day is Earth Day.  We are so blessed with this gift of God’s good earth.

– Janet Herrmann

Ways to Reduce Use (and Abuse) of Single-Use Plastics

If you have ideas for ways to reduce our use and abuse of plastics, let us know here, and we’ll add them to this list!

Refill shops (also known as zero waste stores)
These usually small, independently owned shops provide items commonly used in most households (dish soap, laundry detergents, shampoo, conditioner, and more). Customers bring their own containers which are weighed before and after filling, so they only pay for the product. I made the switch to my local refill shop’s shampoo and conditioner a couple of years ago, and love the products. Another thing I purchase from my refill shop is foaming hand soap refill tablets. While you can buy a stylish new bottle with a supply of tablets on Amazon, I simply use the refill tablets in my Method foaming hand soap dispenser. If you’re local to Winchester, here are two nearby refill shops to check out:

Wherever you are, Google “refill shops near me” to find your local shops.

– Stacey H.